To get an optimal online Fish and Seafood shopping experience with CHILIKA FISH, please go through our FAQs. If you have any queries, please call us at 9090656232 or send an email to [email protected].
Do you charge GST?
Our prices for all products are inclusive of applicable Goods and Service Tax.
Why I am unable to apply a coupon code to my order?
Our coupon codes are not applicable on discounted fish and seafood products.
Can I order more than one for the same item?
Yes, you can order! As per your requirement, you can order more than one of the same items from CHILIKA FISH.
How can I cancel my order?
Until the product is out for delivery, you can cancel the order and get your money refund.
Once the product is out for delivery, cancellation or refund is not allowed.
Will I receive my order confirmation via email or message?
If you have registered your phone number or email ID on the CHILIKA FISH website, you can receive an order confirmation notification on your email or over your phone.
If you do not receive an order confirmation notification in the mail, please check the junk or spam folder.
You may log into your CHILIKA FISH Account and select 'Order History' to view your orders and get assured.
Is shopping at chilikafish.com secure?
Yes, we provide our customers a secured platform to enjoy online shopping for their favorite fish and seafood products. From logging in, placing the order, and making payment to logging out, we make sure your every step is secure and safe.
What if my order arrived damaged or defective?
Fish and Seafood products can only be returned if the item delivered is not what you had placed an order for.
If you are not satisfied with your order, please raise your concern by giving us a call at the time of delivery on 9090656232.
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